
Computer Lab

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on October 1, 2014 at 11:35:29 am

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This page is designed to give you some ideas for things to do in your computer labs or classrooms.


Internet Safety Ideas


 Stonewall Jackson Elementary Technology in Action  




Internet Safety Pledge K-2
Internet Safety Pledge 3-6

Internet Safety Pledge Middle & High


17 Cartoon Videos Explaining the Internet and Internet Safety to kids (multi ages!)  Great site for 3rd - 5th grade Internet safety lessons (videos, games, and more!) 
Safety Pledge K-2
Safety Pledge 3-6

Disney Online Safety


Brain Pop, Jr


PortaPortal with Net Safety Links

NetSmartz Videos 






Integration Help

  1. ABC List of Things to Graph - things that teachers and elementary students can use to chart data
  2. Common Sense Media - Media and Technology Resources for Teachers (Formerly known as Cyber Smart)
  3. Computer Lab Activity Worksheets - free worksheets from Super Teacher Worksheets An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  4. Computer Lab Favorites - 50 one-stop learning activities of 15 to 30 minutes each on a variety of curricular areas; language arts, math, science, social studies, and spanish
  5. Computer Lab Favorites - Student View - a cool interface for the one-stop learning activities listed above
  6. Computer Lab Lessons - Activities for Kindergarten through Eighth grade posted by a New Jersey teacher, Mrs. Nasto.
  7. Computer Rules the Computer Lab - How fast can you learn the rules of computer use so you can get started in the lab? a Quia Quiz
  8. Forest Middle School Computer Lab Lessons - lessons using Excel, Fireworks, Flash, html and more.
  9. Internet Issues - guidelines for Internet usage, copyright issues, citing resources, evaluating web pages and more.
  10. John F. Pattie Elementary School Lab - database, spreadsheet, multimedia ideas
  11. K-2 Computer Lab Activities - a matrix lists the types of software used and comments about the activities
  12. 3-5 Computer Lab Activities - a matrix lists the types of software used and comments about the activities
  13. K5 Technology Lesson Plans - Technology Lesson plans for elementary school children
  14. Computer Lab Activities - this list of activities is organized by grade level
  15. School Computer Lab Management Software - a school computer lab can be a lot easier with screen sharing / screen locking software.
  16. Strategies for Managing School Computer Labs and Classroom Computers - strategies for teachers to more efficiently manage school computers and teach with them.Strategies will include sharing folders and CDs on the network, setting up read only "template" folders on the network, using lab management software
  17. Using Spreadsheets in a Computer Lab - A variety of activities using spreadsheets; grades three through five
  18. Growing with Technology - Grades K-5 - Lessons and activities for each grade level. Flash required; animated and interactive site
  19. Technology Activities - Olathe District Curriculum


Using Excel

     ABC list of ways to use Excel:  http://www.forsythcountyschools.org/its/kadkins/abc.htm


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